Saturday, October 8, 2011

Random Photos of Spring

I love Spring. My poor sad neglected garden manages to ignore my pathetic attempts and put on a show. Here are some photos...

The kids pansies..all named..for some reason...with very pansy kind of names like Yoda, and Obi-wan, Thomas and Portia (??!!)

A Euphorbia (I think) that lives in the pots out the front of our house. Hardy little souls..I like them!!

The climbing rose that ventures from the next door neighbours place. My hubby hates it as it prickles him as he mows...he prunes it climbs on back..another survivor!!

My favourite picture of all...

Kids at work! Actually Gorgeous Girl has really gotten into being a vegetable grower, which I heartily endorse as it doesn't involve an electronic screen. And hopefully we will have lots of lovely vegies in the summer. So they've been busy filling up a above ground garden bed we've bought..lots of fun in very dirty dirt! And why the pirate of life's mysteries....


  1. Oh just lovely! And the bottom is my favorite picture, too!
