There's been no crafting, quilting or creativity around here this week at all. There's been a gastro bug, irritable children and an absent husband. Also impending visitors and deadlines.
Fun week, all in all! (yep sarcasm...that's the lows I've stooped to!)
So as I've nothing new to show you I thought I'd show you a quilt that spends it's life on our guest bed.

It began as blocks I had made at a sampler quilt class. I struggled through templates, hand applique etc etc and when I finished the blocks I played around with setting, hit a mental block and stuffed them, frustratedly, in the cupboard.Several years passed and I happened to mention them on my online quilt group - offerring to give them away to anyone who would take them so I long as I wouldn't have to see them again. (along with the blocks when metres of
bottle green material for the sashing...what was I thinking!!??)
Well the lovely Caz said she would have them..and I never thought of them again. However, she got them together - changed one of the blocks that wasn't "working"-got it quilted, then bound it
and sent it back to me!! Out of the goodness of her heart. A complete surprise. What a friend!!
And I love it. The blocks that I hated ended up looking pretty good together, I think.
Some quilts are quilts, and that's all. And some quilts are quilt's that give you a warm fuzzy feeling every time you see them, and this is one of those. How great is that??!
Have a great week!