Monday, September 10, 2012

A revolting story made cute (?) by illustrating with Giant Microbe plush toys from

For the last few weeks our family has been battling this
Flu ..and just when I thought we were over it and back to a state of wellness we were visited by..
stomachache ..and...
I'm not going to name this one but maybe you can guess! With three boys sick it has been a long week. Meanwhile nothing has been done around this house. No sewing, no housework to speak of. So this week I have to tackle getting rid of these visitors..
dustmite ..and in my bathrooms..
mould and get back to my exercise routine to get rid of..
fat cells But in the spirit of Pollyanna, at least we weren't visited by...
gangrene and
flesh eating virus Hope you have a good week. it just me, but who would buy these toys for their kids??


  1. You poor thing. Hope the family is better soon.

  2. In answer to your question, I would probably buy them for my kids because they're pretty funny. And I can see (maybe!) a potential use for teachers and health staff who might use them to make health education sessions about germs a bit more hands on?
    I was admiring a knitted version of the gastrointestinal tract in one of the slide presentations I was viewing for Uni prep a few weeks ago. Now you've brought up the subject, I might put up a post about it :)
    Hope you are all getting well again now :)
